Seisma Energy Research, AVV is in the Oil & Energy exploration business, although we would prefer to have alternative sources to drive our ever evolving needs for energy, all we can try to do is to improve the process, make it more efficient, and give something back to our planet.
We are always improving our efficiency and use of our vital energy resources. Here is what we have recently done:
In an effort to be more environmentally friendly and efficient, we have been implementing an ongoing plan to become a "paperless" office. We are creating less of an impact on our planet’s resources and ecosystem while at the same time creating more time to pay greater attention to detail.Our final objective of transitioning to the paperless record keeping and documentation system is to cut down on the use of paper and inks.
Although paper is manufactured from a renewable and recyclable resource, trees, ink is another problem all together. The main issues with inks and their impact on our ecosystem, is the use of volatile organic compounds, heavy metals and non-renewable oils in their manufacture. Disposal of ink cartridges, which always contain some residue of ink, is just not an environmentally sound
practice and we wish to get as far from that as we can.

As of this month, June 2009, we are keeping as close to 100% electronic records as is possible rather than traditional paper ones which used to account for more than a fair share of our documentation. This is an exciting but challenging transition for us. It will not only mean some adaptation to our daily routine, but it will also further our goal to participate in the global effort to Green Up.Of course, there will always be a need for us to use paper and ink, but we are trying to become as sensibly paperless as we can.
Please be patient with us during this transition, computerized data bases do take time to hone and perfect, and we have had our system in the beta stage for close to a year before we initiated its use for all of our staff and offices.
In closing, we would just like to say, whenever you receive future correspondences from us, please do not print them unless you feel it is truly necessary. Thank you.
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